Novi trener pun iskustva u profesionalnom nogometu i nogometnim školama.
Ivan Matić priključuje se NK Rudešu kao pomoćni trener. Novi trener će surađivati s glavnim trenerom Iñakijem Alonsom u klubskom debiju u 1. HNL. Matić – rođen u Splitu 30. Travnja 1971 – iskusan je trener kako na profesionalnom nivou tako i u školama nogometa.
Prošlu sezonu 2016/17, naš novi trener je proveo kao pomoćni trener u Ahli Doha QSL. Prije toga, Matić je bio glavni i pomoćni trener u RNK Split u seniorskom i juniorskom timu. Također od 2011 do 2013 vodio je Hrvatsku U19 reprezentaciju kao drugi trener.
Svoju karijeru je započeo u NK Dugopolje vodivši U19 tim.
U njegovoj uspiješnoj karijeri možemo izdvojiti ostvarenje četvrte pozicije u Euro Ligi 2014 sa RNK Split gdje se natjecao sa klubovima poput FC Torino i FC Hapoel Beer Sheva. Kao pomoćni trener pridonjeo je ulasku u šesnenstinu finala Hrvatske U20 reprezentacije na Svijetskom prvenstvu u Turskoj te ostvario petu poziciju na U19 Euru u Estoniji. Tijekom sezone 2010/2011 dobitnik je nagrade za najboljeg trenera mlađih uzrasta za svoje vodstvo u U19 timu RNK Splita. Iste godine, juniorski tim RNK Splita je imao odlučnu sezonu u Kupu Hrvatske.
Ivanu želimo dobrodošlicu u naš tim te mnogo sreće u nadolezećoj sezoni.
#LetsGoRudeš #IdemoRudeš
The new coach holds a wide experience in professional football and football schools.
Ivan Matić is joining NK Rudeš as its assistant coach. The new coach will work with the Head Coach, Iñaki Alonso, on the club’s debut in the Croatian First Division. Matić – born in Split (Croatia) on April 30 th 1971 – holds a wide experience in football, both at a professional level and with football schools.
This last season 2016/2017, our new Trainer has worked as the assistant coach at Ahli Doha QSL. Before that, Matić was Head Coach and assistant coach in RNK Split both in Senior team and Junior team. From 2011 to 2013 he led the Under-19 Croatian National Team as a second coach.
Matić began his professional career as a coach with the Under-19 team in NK Dugopolje.
Our new coach has some milestones during his career. Leading RNK Split he got the chance to compete in the Euro League in 2014 with such teams as FC Torino and FC Hapoel Beer Sheva. That year he ended up in 4 th position with RNK Split. As an assistant coach, he contributed to reach the round of 16 in the Under-20 World Cup of Turkey with the Under-19 Croatian National Team, and obtained the fifth position in the Under-19 EURO of Estonia. During 2010/2011 season, he was awarded with the Best Youth Coach for his performance with RNK Split Under-19. That same year, RNK Split Junior completed a fantastic season in Croatian Cup.
We want to welcome Ivan to NK Rudeš and we wish him luck.